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2019/07-2019/08,Princeton University (美国普林斯顿大学),土木与环境工程系,访问学者


2013/10–2014/10,University of Cambridge (英国剑桥大学),工程系,英国皇家工程院交流学者

2013/01–2013/03  University of Cambridge,工程系,访问学者

2011/02–2012/02,University of Toronto (加拿大多伦多大学),土木工程系,博士后





近年来主持承担国家重点研发计划子课题、国家自然科学基金面上及青年项目、国家自然科学基金中英国际合作项目、江苏省自然科学基金面上及青年基金、英国皇家工程院交流学者基金、英国皇家学会创新基金及企业委托横向课题多项。主要从事特种土木工程材料、固体废弃物资源化利用、低碳胶凝材料、环境材料、CO2捕集与利用等研究。研究方向包括:(1)氧化镁膨胀材料、水泥混凝土抗裂材料与技术;(2)混凝土结构快速修补、加固、防蚀与防护材料;(3)固体废弃物(钢渣、镁渣等冶金渣、煤矸石、建筑垃圾、尾矿等)资源化利用;(4)环境功能材料,污染土壤治理新技术;(5)CO2捕获、储存与资源化利用;(6)新型低碳胶凝材料。发表学术论文100余篇,其中在Cem Concr Res, Cem Concr Compos, Construct Build Mater, J Cleaner Product等期刊发表SCI论文50余篇,Elsevier出版英文专著(章节)2篇,授权国家发明专利8项,已转化4项,主编教材1部,合作翻译教材1部。长期担任Chem Rev、Cem Concr Res、Cem Concr Compos、Constr Build Mater、J Cleaner Product, J Mater Civil Eng, J Mater Chem B, J American Ceram Soc, Compos: Part B等30个国际期刊审稿人,担任欧盟研究基金会(European Research Council)评审专家。


1. Shuo Yang, Liwu Mo*, Min Deng. Effects of ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) on the accelerated carbonation and properties of artificial steel slag aggregates. Cement and Concrete Composites, 118(2021),103948.

2. Liwu Mo*,Shuo Yang, Bei Huang, Lingling Xu, Shengfa Feng, Min Deng. Preparation, microstructure and property of carbonated artificial steel slag aggregate used in concrete. Cement and Concrete Composites, 113(2020),103715.

3. Liwu Mo*, Yuanyuan Hao, Yunpeng Liu, Fazhou Wang, Min Deng. Preparation of calcium carbonate binders via CO2 activation of magnesium slag, Cement and Concrete Research, 121(2019), 81-90.

4. Liwu Mo*, Liming Lv, Min Deng, Jueshi Qian. Influence of fly ash and metakaolin on the microstructure and compressive strength of magnesium potassium phosphate cement paste, Cement and Concrete Research, 111(2018), 116-129.

5. Liwu Mo*, Feng Zhang, Min Deng, Fei Jin, Abir Al-Tabbaa, Aiguo Wang. Accelerated carbonation and performance of concrete made with steel slag as binding materials and aggregates, Cement and Concrete Composites, 83(2017), 138-145.

6. Liwu Mo*, Feng Zhang, Daman K. Panesar, Min Deng. Development of low-carbon cementitious materials via carbonating Portland cement-fly ash-magnesia blends under various curing scenarios: A comparative study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 163 (2017) 252-261.

7. Liwu Mo*, Feng Zhang, Min Deng. Mechanical performance and microstructure of the calcium carbonate binders produced by carbonating steel slag paste under CO2 curing, Cement and Concrete Research, 88 (2016), 217–226.

8. Liwu Mo*, Feng Zhang, Min Deng, Daman K. Panesar. Effectiveness of using CO2 pressure to enhance the carbonation of Portland cement-fly ash-MgO mortars, Cement and Concrete Composites, 70(2016), 78-85.

9. Liwu Mo*, Meng Liu, Abir Al-Tabbaa, Min Deng, Wai Yuk Lau. Deformation and mechanical properties of quaternary blended cements containing ground granulated blast furnace slag, fly ash and magnesia. Cement and Concrete Research, 71(2015), 7-13.

10. Liwu Mo*, Mingshu Tang, Min Deng, Abir Al-Tabbaa. MgO expansive cement and concrete in China: Past, Present and Future. Cement and Concrete Research, 57(2014):1-12.

11. Liwu Mo, D.K. Panesar. Accelerated carbonation- A potential approach to sequester CO2 in cement paste containing slag and reactive MgO. Cement and Concrete Composites, 43(2013): 69-77.

12. D.K. Panesar, Liwu Mo*. Properties of binary and ternary reactive MgO mortar blends subjected to CO2 curing. Cement and Concrete Composites, 38(2013): 40-49.

13. Liwu Mo, D.K. Panesar. Effects of accelerated carbonation on the microstructure of Portland cement pastes containing reactive MgO. Cement and Concrete Research, 42(2012): 769-777.

14. Liwu Mo*, Min Deng, Aiguo Wang. Effects of MgO-based expansive additive on compensating the shrinkage of cement paste under non-wet curing conditions. Cement and Concrete Composites, 34(2012): 377-383.


[1] 莫立武、刘朋. 一种钢渣辅助性胶凝材料及其制备方法和应用, 202110505789.6

[2] 莫立武、曾彬、朱军、邓敏、唐明述.一种重金属污染土壤修复药剂及其制备方法和应用. 202011622546.2

[3] 莫立武、杨硕.一种碳化钢渣人工多孔骨料及其制备方法. 201910553298.1

[4] 莫立武、吕利明、邓敏.一种无机油墨材料及其制备方法和应用. 201710417844.X

[5] 莫立武、邓敏、张丰. 镁钙碳酸盐胶凝材料及其制备方法,201410660848.7

[6] 莫立武、邓敏. 低热微膨胀复合水泥及其制备方法,201410738455.3

[7] 莫立武、乾学晨、邓敏一种碳酸盐胶凝材料及其制备方法,201911120009696